Review on “Imprenditori Di Idee” Youth Exchange
Erasmus+Youth Exchange13-19.9.2017 I Tusa, Italy The Imprenditori di Idee project was a youth exchange involving 30 (mostly 18-25 years old) participants from Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Poland and Macedonia organized by
Review on “Quality of European Youth Work – It’s About You(th)!” Project
Erasmus+, KA201.10.2015-04.09.2017 I Serbia With the excellent and very successful programs implemented by various European institutions over the years the position and opportunities of young people have significantly improved giving
Review on “You(th) can play for Europe – Sport Without Discrimination” Project
Erasmus+ Project 2016-2017 Organized by “Savez udruzenja gradjana za podsticanje zaposljavanja mladih Mladi Rade” the two-year Capacity Building project, starting from the coordination meeting through the seminar and workshop to