Review on “Sport @ Street” Transnational Project Meeting

Erasmus+ Sport Activities Project, Final TPM Meeting
28-30.10 2022 I Bitola, N.Macedonia
After the meetings and study visits already held in Amsterdam (Netherlands), Riga (Latvia), and Tusa (Italy) the time has come to wrap up the project activities with a final Transnational Project Meeting in Bitola, N.Macedonia. The event happened on 28-30 of October 2022 and offered an opportunity to review the implemented activities throughout the project in all the partner countries and to summarize it and share with everyone interested on the topic as a “Guidebook on social inclusion of youth and sport”.
Friday was the welcome day and the participants had opportunity to explore the most beautiful city in the world, Bitola and meet each other and get the first touch with some of the participants since many of them were participating in the project for first time. The Saturday was packed with the program. first sesion was with some team building exercies for the group so we could create some common safe space for the group. We followed up with a session for the non-formal education and methodologies used to work with groups of people useful in the process of building the guide in the coming period. Not to remain only on the theory, the afternoon program was reserved for visiting two street workout outdoor locations in Bitola and and have some training execrise all together. Evening we spent for coordination on the travel logistics and evening exploration of the city. The TPM was great opportunity for the project partners EKE Bitola, New Horizons aps, Champions Factory, Street Warriors to reflect upon the implemented local activities, exchange experiences, analyse the good practices and the effects of the project on local level.

This Project has been coordinated by European Cultural Epicenter Bitola (N.Macedonia), along with 4 other partner organizations: The Calisthenic Club (Netherlands), Street Warriors (Latvia), Champions Factory (Bulgaria) and the New Horizons Association (Italy). The project is funded by the Erasmus + Sport and promote “Street Workout” as a healthy lifestyle involving people of all ages and backgrounds through better training planning. The street workout is a calisthenics workout which indicates a series of exercises in which there are no specific tools and where the weight to make your body work is provided by the body itself.
More about the project aims and objectives as well as the time frame of all planned activities find here: