Review on “Sport @ Street” Transnational Project Meeting
Erasmus+ Sport Activities Project, Final TPM Meeting28-30.10 2022 I Bitola, N.Macedonia After the meetings and study visits already held in Amsterdam (Netherlands), Riga (Latvia), and Tusa (Italy) the time has
Review on “Sport @ Street” Mid-Term Meeting
Erasmus+ Sport Activities Project, Mid-Term Meeting27-28.05.2022 Tusa, Italy This Project has been coordinated by European Cultural Epicenter Bitola (North Macedonia), along with 4 other partner organizations: The Calisthenic Club (Netherlands),
Review on “Sport@Street” Study Visit 2
Erasmus+ Sport Activities Project, Study Visit01-03.04.2022 Riga, Latvia On 1st of April 2022 we started with our second international Study Visit in the frame of “Sport@Street” project in Riga, Latvia,
“DigiWomen” 2nd Transnational Project Meeting
Erasmus+ KA2, Transnational Project Meeting09-10.12.2021 Within the Erasmus+ KA2 project within DigiWomen project we held the second TPM meeting. Transnational project meetings promote people-to-people connections, complement complementary ideas and approaches
“Sport@Street” Local Activities
Erasmus+ Sport Activities Project In the beginning of 2021 we have started with implementation of the “Sport@Street” project which will last until the end of 2022. EKE Bitola in cooperation
Одржани работни сесии за 3D печатење
Летово во август ЕКЕ Битола го реализира проектот “3D-next generation” што во основа претставуваше младинска размена финансирана во рамките на програмата за млади Ерасмус+ на ЕУ каде младите од неколку
Review on “Sport@Street” Study Visit 1
Erasmus+ Sport Activities Project, Study Visit29-31.10 2021 I Brussels, Belgium On 29th of October 2021 we started with our first international Study Visit in the frame of “Sport@Street” project in
Локален волонтерски сервис
Во рамките на нашите заложби за поддршка на локални иницијативи, активизам и волонтерство денес спроведовме волонтерска активност – цртање на мурал. Од пред две години Општина Битола почна со поддршка
Review on “3D – Next Generation” Youth Exchange
Erasmus+ Youth Exchange13-21.08.2021 I Bitola As a follow-up after the Advanced Planning Visit with some delays due to the world pandemic situation we had finally chance to do an international