Review on “Digi-Youth-Alization” Training Course
Erasmus+ Training Course17-25.11.2019 I Bitola, Macedonia EKE Bitola was the organizer of a training course “Digi-YOUTH-alization: Build digital competencies using social and digital media tools in 21st century youth work”
Review on “The Power of Communication” (Part 1) Training Course
Erasmus+ Training Course6-14 October 2019 I Reims, France The “Power of communication” training course, which took place in Reims, France was the first activity of the long-term training of the
Review on ”Ways to Peace“ Training Course
Erasmus+ Training Course07-13 October 2019 I Reims, France From October 7 to 13, 2019, a training course “Ways to Peace” was organized by “Jus Gentium” for 34 young people from:
Review on “Writing Instead of Fighting” Training Course
Council of Europe Training Course28 September – 3 October 2019 I Sremski Karlovici, Serbia Yesterday ended the training course entitled “WRITING INSTEAD OF FIGHTING” organized by our partners “Come on
Review on Training Course on outdoor education for youth workers “LABIRINT”
Erasmus+ Training Course17-24 April 2019 | Sondershausen, Germany20-28 July 2019 | Baikal Lake, Russia The “LABIRINT Training Course on outdoor education for youth workers” was a great opportunity for the
Review on Training Course “Innovative Coaching makes the Difference”
Erasmus+ Training Course02-11 July 2019 I Tusa, Italy We have been happy to join along with our project partner organizations from Bulgaria, India, Italy, Kenya and Vietnam for this 8-Day
Review on “E-move your innerself” Training Course
Erasmus+ Training Course19-27 June 2019 | France To bring you closer the impact of the training course on the participants we did a short interview with our participant from Bitola