“Do-It-Together” Study Visit Review
Erasmus+ Study Visit11-15 November 2019 | Bari, Italy From November 11 to 15 in Bari, Italy was realized a study visit “Do-It-Together” organized by EKE Bitola which was attended by
Одржана информативна сесија за Еразмус+ Спорт
Еразмус+ Спорт инфо сесијаБитола, 09.11.2019 ЕВРОПСКИ КУЛТУРЕН ЕПИЦЕНТАР Битола на 9 Ноември 2019 организира информативна сесија за спортски клубови и спортски здруженија на граѓани од Битола и битолскиот регион. Информативната
Project approved: Erasmus+ KA2 “DigiWomen”
Dear friends, We have good news!In the following 2 years along with our partners from Greece, Italy, Slovakia and Slovenia we will work on the Erasmus+ KA2 project for empowering
Review on “Digi-Youth-Alization” Training Course
Erasmus+ Training Course17-25.11.2019 I Bitola, Macedonia EKE Bitola was the organizer of a training course “Digi-YOUTH-alization: Build digital competencies using social and digital media tools in 21st century youth work”
Информативна сесија за спортски клубови и здруженија на граѓани
Сабота на 9ти ноември 2019 од 9:30 до 13.00 Европски Културен Епицентар Битола организира информативна сесија за спортски клубови и спортски здруженија на граѓани од Битола и битолскиот регион. Темата
Review on “The Power of Communication” (Part 1) Training Course
Erasmus+ Training Course6-14 October 2019 I Reims, France The “Power of communication” training course, which took place in Reims, France was the first activity of the long-term training of the
Review on ”Ways to Peace“ Training Course
Erasmus+ Training Course07-13 October 2019 I Reims, France From October 7 to 13, 2019, a training course “Ways to Peace” was organized by “Jus Gentium” for 34 young people from:
Open Call for Training Course MANAS
Erasmus+ Training Course18-26 January 2020 I Tusa, Italy Open call for 3 participants from N.Macedonia aged 18+ years for the training course “MANAS” to be held in January 2020, in
Open Call for Study Visit “Do-It-Together”
Erasmus+ Study Visit11-15 November 2019 | Bari, Italy EKE Bitola announces a call for participation in a study visit “Do-It-Together” which will be held from 11 to 15 November 2019