На 15 декември 2022, ЕКЕ Битола присуствуваше на организирана промоција на македонскиот превод на книгата – After the Welfare State, во организација на Либертаниа и Студенти за слобода, со подршка
In the period from December 2 to 10, 2022, a youth exchange was held in Lugo, Spain entitled “Green Voices of Europe”, the main topic of which was climate change
Erasmus+ Sport Activities Project, Final TPM Meeting28-30.10 2022 I Bitola, N.Macedonia After the meetings and study visits already held in Amsterdam (Netherlands), Riga (Latvia), and Tusa (Italy) the time has
За обележување Еразмус+ деновите ЕВРОПСКИ КУЛТУРЕН ЕПИЦЕНТАР Битола организира “Отворен Ден“ во кој ќе добиете краток увид во тоа што претставува Еразмус+ програмата, која е нашата организација, што работиме, како
Dates: 02.12.2022 – 10.12. 2022 Venue: Lugo, Spain Open for young people from 18 to 30 years old What is the “Green Voice of Europe”?Youth Exchange that is funded by
Erasmus+ Sport Activities Project, Mid-Term Meeting27-28.05.2022 Tusa, Italy This Project has been coordinated by European Cultural Epicenter Bitola (North Macedonia), along with 4 other partner organizations: The Calisthenic Club (Netherlands),
Erasmus+ Sport Activities Project, Study Visit01-03.04.2022 Riga, Latvia On 1st of April 2022 we started with our second international Study Visit in the frame of “Sport@Street” project in Riga, Latvia,
Erasmus+ Youth Exchange13-21 July 2022 I Bitola, Macedonia The exploitation of natural resources becomes more and more apparent every day and has a greater impact on our lives. We believe
Erasmus+ Youth Exchange We begin the year with good news!This year along with our partners from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy we will work on the Erasmus+ project “Be the Change –