Review on “Photo Planet Picture Earth” Youth Exchange
Erasmus+ Youth Exchange03-10.07.2015 I Viena, Austria The project was a seven-day youth exchange attended by 50 young people from Austria, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo and Greece,
Review on “Healthy Cycling Through Biking” Youth Exchange
Erasmus+ Youth Exchange22-29.05.2015 I Arandjelovac, Serbia This is a Seminar with the title “Healthy cycling through biking” that will be hosted in Arandjelovac, SERBIA, from 22nd to 29th of May
Review on “The Change Makers 2: Sustainable Development Through Entrepreneurship Education” Youth Exchange
Erasmus+ Youth Exchange11-18.05.2015 I Sajan, Serbia Education, or rather lack of it, plays a key role in inefficiency. Young people with low levels of education are much more likely to
Review on “Mainstream Health, Mainstream Gender” Training Course
Erasmus+ Traiing Course16-23.02.2015 I Greece The project was realized under Erasmus+ programme Key Action 1. The Coordination organization Penthesileia from Greece, along with the partners from Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania,
Review on “Enterprise Goes Green” Youth Exchange
Erasmus+ Training Course18-25.01.2015 I Berkovitsa, Bulgaria This is a Training Course that was attended by 36 young people from Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Turkey, Poland, Hungary and Italy in
Review on “Street Workout – Connecting Urban Europe, Building Healthy Europe” Youth Exchange
Youth in Action, Youth exchange15-25.08.2014 I Zagreb, Croatia From 15.08.2014 – 25.08.2014 EKE Bitola was part of the youth exchange “Street Workout – Connecting Urban Europe, Building Healthy Europe” which
Review on “Time to Act! From Initiative and Creativity to European YOUth Entrepreneurs” Youth Exchange
Youth in Action, Youth Exchange13-24.11.2013 I Bitola, Macedonia The Youth Exchange “Time to Act! Form initiative and creativity to European YOUth entrepreneurs” was designed to initiate unemployed young people’s mobility
Review on “Sustainopreneurship – Think Global, Act Local” Training Course
Youth in Action, Training Course03-11.11.2013 I Kratovo, Macedonia The training course “Sustainopreneurship – Think Global, Act Local” aimed to support the fight against youth unemployment on the one hand, and
Review on “Strengthening competences of youth workers for reducing unemployment” Training Course
Youth in Action, Training Course21-29.10.2013 I Bitola, Macedonia “Strengthening the competencies of youth workers to reduce unemployment” was a training course designed through active and practical methods for dynamic involvement