Review on “Enterprise Goes Green” Youth Exchange

Erasmus+ Training Course
18-25.01.2015 I Berkovitsa, Bulgaria
This is a Training Course that was attended by 36 young people from Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Turkey, Poland, Hungary and Italy in order to provide in-depth tackling of employment management, sub-focusing on green jobs and sustainable development and ways & mechanisms of how to create a job opportunity for oneself.
The activities will be focused on developing individual competences and initiatives, and recognizing mechanisms for self-employment. Moreover the activities focused on development of entrepreneurial skills.
The event provided the participants with the necessary knowledge, skills on how to develop competencies; have given support to European policies and activism in their local communities, enabling them to develop and lead specific local initiatives in order to implement the learning outcomes of the training in practice, especially ways to increase the employability of young people and raise awareness of renewable resources, energy, environmental approaches and the potential for new jobs in the area. The presence of the event helped the participants to build capacities for research and development and to encourage partnerships for future activities in this field.
Ativities during the TC are based on non-formal and informal methodology , learning-by-doing,peer to peer discussions , using various exercises, work in small groups, simulations, round tables, individual activities, intensive debriefings and evaluations of the experiences. Coordination organization of this project was Association “Professional Forum for Education”.