Review on “To The Roots” Training Course
Erasmus+ Training Course16-23 June 2021 I Murzasichle, Poland Aiming to offer youth workers to discover outdoor education and adventure based learning to develop their competencies in relation to empowering young
Review on “The Power of Communication” (Part 2) Training Course
Erasmus+ Training Course02-10 February 2020 I Reims, France The objective of the training course that we followed thrughout the event was through conversation to reach a common understanding about what
“3D – Next Generation” Advance Planning Visit (APV)
Erasmus+ Advance Planning Visit (APV)07-11.02.2020 I Bitola From 7th to the 11th of February 2020 we had pleasure to host our partners from Serbia, Turkey and Germany at the preparatory
Review on MANAS (Music and Nature Around the Sound) Training Course
Erasmus+ Training Course18-26 January 2020 I Tusa, Italy The international project “MANAS” aimed to empower 25 youth workers from Italy, Poland, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Portugal, Turkey, Greece, Romania and Spain in
“Do-It-Together” Study Visit Review
Erasmus+ Study Visit11-15 November 2019 | Bari, Italy From November 11 to 15 in Bari, Italy was realized a study visit “Do-It-Together” organized by EKE Bitola which was attended by
Одржана информативна сесија за Еразмус+ Спорт
Еразмус+ Спорт инфо сесијаБитола, 09.11.2019 ЕВРОПСКИ КУЛТУРЕН ЕПИЦЕНТАР Битола на 9 Ноември 2019 организира информативна сесија за спортски клубови и спортски здруженија на граѓани од Битола и битолскиот регион. Информативната
Review on “Digi-Youth-Alization” Training Course
Erasmus+ Training Course17-25.11.2019 I Bitola, Macedonia EKE Bitola was the organizer of a training course “Digi-YOUTH-alization: Build digital competencies using social and digital media tools in 21st century youth work”
Review on “The Power of Communication” (Part 1) Training Course
Erasmus+ Training Course6-14 October 2019 I Reims, France The “Power of communication” training course, which took place in Reims, France was the first activity of the long-term training of the
Review on ”Ways to Peace“ Training Course
Erasmus+ Training Course07-13 October 2019 I Reims, France From October 7 to 13, 2019, a training course “Ways to Peace” was organized by “Jus Gentium” for 34 young people from: