“3D – Next Generation” Advance Planning Visit (APV)

Erasmus+ Advance Planning Visit (APV)
07-11.02.2020 I Bitola
From 7th to the 11th of February 2020 we had pleasure to host our partners from Serbia, Turkey and Germany at the preparatory meeting for the “3D – Next Generation” project with youth exchange as main activity. During the this meeting we have been working together to set the baseline, agenda and methodology for the youth exchange that will be realised later during the year.
The project “3D-Next Generation” in general promotes European values, social cohesion and civic engagement in multicultural work environments. The project aim to tacklie the causes of unemployment, poverty, to improve education and increase social inclusion. Through the youth exchange the project promotes mobility for all participants and provide an opportunity for learning to improve the level of competencies and skills of the young people in the area of ICT as well as to foster quality improvement and innovation in education through transnational cooperation.