Review on “Street Workout – Each One Teach One” Youth Exchanges
Erasmus+, Youth Exchanges
15.01.2016-14.01.2017 I Places: Weimar, Banja Luka, Tallin
Total 98 participants mainly: youth workers, street workout organization presidents and leaders, persons representing group of citizen’s involved in street workout and staff from NGOs from: Germany, Macedonia, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lithuania and Spain.
The theme of this project is “Street Workout”, which is a movement supporting healthy living based on exercises by using public facilities, such as equipment in schoolyards or park i.e. readily available and financially inexpensive means.
Activty.1 – Training Course. The aim is to network of organizations willing to promote Street Workout in urban areas and to build capacities for the implementation of Erasmus+ projects for developing competences among young people. Objectives for the Training Course are:
- To establish international partnership among organizations willing to implement future Street Workout projects in the frame of Erasmus+ program
- To gain knowledge for the Erasmus+ program and its opportunities
- To exchange experience in the field of work with young people with fewer opportunities and gain competences for implementing non-formal education activities on local and international level
- To recognize the challenges and benefits for international youth work
- Develop capacity for in preparation full scale project proposals.
Number of participants: 26. Profile of participants: Youth workers, Street Workout organization presidents and leaders, persons representing group of citizen’s involved in Street Workout and staff from NGOs
Activity.2 – Advanced Planning Visit (APV)
Activity.3 – Youth Exchange. The aim of this project is through “Street Workout” to increase active participation of young people and promote healthy life style in urban areas. Objectives of this Youth Exchange are:
- To promote cultural diversity and mutual respect among young people through “Street Workout”
- To learn for YouthPass Key Competences and experience them during the Youth Exchange
- To gain understanding for entrepreneurship, enhance entrepreneurship competences and detect entrepreneurship opportunities in “Street Workout”
- To promote “Street Workout” as healthy lifestyle and engage young people through improved street workout training infrastructure
- To increase mobility among young people from problematic urban areas through Erasmus+ Programme.
Number of participants: 40. Profile of participants: Young people with fewer opportunities from deprived urban areas, involved in Street Workout or willing to learn more through Street Workout.
Activity.4 – Evaluation Meeting
Methodology: In order to reach the aim and objectives we used non-formal and informal methods. The activities were based on David Kolb’s learning cycle, designed for the needs of the participants, according their learning style and focused on expected results from the activity. There were variety of working methods with aim to keep the attention of the participants, involving them in every stage and maximizing their learning outcomes. Participants had chance to share their knowledge and experience, shared their culture and values, broadened their horizons, built capacity through diverse indoor and outdoor activities, exercises, workshops, sessions with professionals and round tables.
Impact: With this project we wanted to build network of organizations working with young people from disadvantaged urban areas and provide high-quality non-formal educational and mobility opportunities. By involving young people in Erasmus+ program, we wanted to raise the awareness for the opportunities they have as European Citizens. We expect partners to use the program to develop future European projects in their urban environment. Implementing mobility activities and providing high-quality non-formal learning opportunities involved young people will gain deep understanding for active citizenship, unemployment reality, respect for diversity and inclusion and develop their key competences.
The organization Coordinatior of the project was Croatian Street Workout Association – HSUV
Video 1 from the event in Germany
Video 2 from the event in Germany
Video 3 from the event in Germany
Video 4 from the event in Germany