Review on “Healthy Cycling Through Biking” Youth Exchange

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange
22-29.05.2015 I Arandjelovac, Serbia
This is a Seminar with the title “Healthy cycling through biking” that will be hosted in Arandjelovac, SERBIA, from 22nd to 29th of May 2015, gathering together 36 youth workers, youth leaders, activists and volunteers from 9 partner organizations belonging to European Union and South East Europe: Austria, Serbia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Croatia, Greece, Albania, Bulgaria and Romania.
The Seminar focused on healthy lifestyles in Europe and the influence of its promotion on young people’s life and behavior in our societies. Sedentary lifestyles, addictions, unhealthy nutrition and disease, remain one of the most salient problems in today’s Europe, in particular in those regions that are beyond EU legislation and regulations, but not lacking problems in countries of modern Europe. Special emphasis was given to cycling and bicycle as convenient machine for both youth and adults, as it tightens body up, doesn’t pollute the air, is not noisy and is not heavy, doesn’t require cost of gasoline, parking lot, registration, insurance, expensive services, etc; spends only calories, can avoid traffic jams, can carry our stuff in a basket, etc.
The objectives of the Seminar were:
- To provide space and time for youth organizations working on healthy life issues among youth and healthy lifestyles both in Programme Countries and South East Europe (SEE) to present their work
- To exchange examples of good practice
- To focus on the debate of the state of health in different realities of Europe
- To explore different techniques as a means of promotion of positives of healthy lifestyles, especially through cycling both in urban and rural areas
- To reflect on issues of health insurance policies and equality programmes of the European Union
- To foster future cooperation and young people’s involvement in the process of creation of better approaches towards health and youth.
The Seminar looked towards improvement of the quality of support systems for activities aimed at the empowerment of young people in matters concerning health. Moreover, this Seminar focused on chances and opportunities for intercultural dialogue, opportunities for future transnational cooperation and joint activities. Using non-formal and informal educational methods, participants will be involved in team building activities, plenary discussions, debates, round tables and exercises done individually or in groups, theater, brainstorming and analyses.