Review on “To The Roots” Training Course

Erasmus+ Training Course
16-23 June 2021 I Murzasichle, Poland
Aiming to offer youth workers to discover outdoor education and adventure based learning to develop their competencies in relation to empowering young people with fewer opportunities happened this training course in Poland.
The core focus was outdoor and experiential learning with all its aspects such as: their historical perspective, principles and models. At the same time the training course offered the participants an opportunity to directly experience various outdoor methods and techniques and reflect on ways of incorporating these methods and techniques into their daily youth work with young people. During the event they aslo had opportunity to reflect upon experiences by exchanging and sharing practices, experiences, methods and techniques of outdoor education across and increasing the quality of youth work in participants’s countries. On the other hand, participants had opportunity to step outside their comfort zone and boost their reflexive skills and critical, innovative, creative thinking and challenging outdoor learning contexts and their application while understanding and handling the risk and safety in outdoor settings. As added values, as in most of the Erasmus+ events, participants has chance to ger familiar and increase knowledge on Erasmus + as well as working on generating new project ideas.
The main impact outdoor educations has a lot of potential for self-development and self-awareness of an individual and strengthening the soft skills such as efficient communication skills, respect and trust for others, tolerance, non-judgment approach and appreciation of diversity, intercultural communication skills and appreciation of human rights. All these are extremely important nowadays in the situation of economical crisis that cause labor market crisis, refugees crisis, regional conflicts, extremism and radicalism that are flowed by such extremes as human rights violation and hate speech towards muslim people for example. Ability to use outdoor will strengthen their capacity to address those topics at local/regional/national/international levels and to contribute to building of culture of peace in general.
In addition, photo gallery from the trainng course