Review on Training Course “Innovative Coaching makes the Difference”

Erasmus+ Training Course
02-11 July 2019 I Tusa, Italy
We have been happy to join along with our project partner organizations from Bulgaria, India, Italy, Kenya and Vietnam for this 8-Day International Training Course in Tusa, Italy. On this training course participated 30 youth workers from all of the project’s countries.
This course aimed to build capacities of the organizations and the youth workers for innovative youth coaching based on traditional games guided by 2 Trainers. The main non-formal methods used during the training were: learning by doing, syntonic learning, individual-focused, team-work, role-playing, formative evaluation.Presentation & Group Discussion of the Competence-mapping tool
The Training Course was designed in a way to follow the specific skills needed to build up the competencies of the youth workers at the event. We startd with simulation practical sessions & roleplaying and group discussion on the first skill: “Leadership & Teamwork” which had follow-up part by testing with practical sessions. In the same manner with group discussion following-up with practical sessions and debriefing and evaluation we continued and covered the other key skills: “Confidence & Self-efficacy”, “Resilience”, “Creativity”, “Critical & Analytical Thinking”, “Communication & Networking”. For this specific session for the practical part we had also field trip and free time in the afternoon. In the following days we continued with discussions, practical sessions and debriefing on the following key skills: “Goal-setting”, “Selfjudgment & Decision-making”,
The reflections and identification of areas of doubts have given us great insights on how to revise and/or improve the modules.
The last days of the Training Course we continue with logistics and management issues for planning for the next activity: 10 testing workshops in all the countries.
As most of the Erasmus+ activities, as good practice we have also presented the Erasmus+ program of the EU, presented of Youthpass and filled of Youthpass certificates for the participants.
More information about the project you can find here: