Open Call for Study Visit “Do-It-Together”

Erasmus+ Study Visit
11-15 November 2019 | Bari, Italy
EKE Bitola announces a call for participation in a study visit “Do-It-Together” which will be held from 11 to 15 November 2019 in Bari, Italy. During the study visit, the partner organization Spazio 13 will share the practices with which they have successfully created and implemented as urban regeneration programs in Bari, Italy. With this study visit you will have the opportunity to:
- Learn more about the process of reactivating empty buildings
- Recognizing creative ideas to prevent abandoned spaces from falling
- Exchange of good practices for green zones
- To gain knowledge about activities and campaigns for raising political awareness
- To see good examples of involvement and participation (co-creation with the municipality, contribution to society)
Participants profile
This study visit is intended for four 18+ years students of architecture, young architects and other interested citizens of the city of Bitola.
Submit your application by October 20, 2019 at: with the indication CANDIDATE FOR PROJECT D-I-T