Open Call for Training Course “E-move your innerself”

Erasmus+ Training Course
19-27 June 2019 | France
A Training Course for trainers, educators, youth workers and peer leaders. It is about developing the competences of youth workers in the areas of empowerment, resilience & positive mental health using theater, self awareness and gestalt.
Introduction: The development of self-awareness as well as the creative possibilities that this can bring is very important for human health. Moving through conflict and interpersonal problems in a Gestaltic therapeutic framework opens up a wide and varied range of means of creative expression placed at the service of emotional and physical health. The integration of awareness, movement and emotion in “the here and now” requires the use of all our senses. The Gestalt Therapy Theatre contributes to this.
What for?
It is a workshop based on the principles of Living Theatre (Stanislavski – Grotowski) and Gestalt Therapy (Fritz Perls) that helps to have a:
- Greater acceptance of oneself and others.
- Greater spontaneity and ability to express and communicate (artistic and emotionally).
- Greater ability to approach problems (and conflicts) in a constructive way.
- Greater freshness and richness in the emotional reaction.
What will we do?
Through Gestalt Theatre Therapy we will: Explore about aspects of our personality through the construction of characters and role plays. Performing from the fictional, from the theatrical to re-connect through improvisation with our emotional memory, allowing access to personal experiences that facilitate greater self-awareness and integration of pending needs or personal unfinished situations. Learn how Gestalt Theatre can be applied in the school framework in order to support pupils to raise awareness about themselves or about very specific topics such as bullying or gender based violence.
- Board and lodging in yurts in a camping place : fully covered
- Travel: as per Erasmus+ programme (see below)
- Participation fees: 150 Euros
- For further info please contact us at:
Thearapist-Trainer: Diego Marín (Spain)
BACKGROUND IN TRAINING: Living in Spain, Bachelor Degree in Law by the Faculty of Law of Murcia. Diego is specialized in experiential learning and non formal education since 1997. For more than 15 years working with groups of various kinds, youth and social workers, teachers, health workers, trainers, public staff, groups of adolescents, prisoners, etc. He is a member of the Pool of trainers of the Directorate of Youth and Sport of the Council of Europe, Spanish National Agency for Youth and the SALTO trainers Pool (Support for Advanced Learning and Trainining Opportunities).
THERAPEUTIC PERSONAL WORK: He has received and learnt in the workshop about experiential integration of one’s death in Josep Maria Fericgla (Barcelona) in 1999. Diego is Gestalt therapist by the Gestalt Therapy School EIDOS in Murcia. He has realized the Long Term Training on Gestalt Theatre Therapy (Ttg) in the Spanish School for Gestalt Theatre Therapist of Claudia Fres. He has made several SAT modules on Enneagram of Claudio Naranjo between 2008 and 2010. He has realized the Fisher process of therapeutic work with parental figures with the team CIPARH (Madrid) in 2010. It is currently in the process of training for certification as a Breathwork therapist Holotrópica.
BACKGROUND IN THEATRE: Formed in social theatre in Spain, with the help of Yoshi Oida (actor and companion of Peter Brook (“The essence of the actor”), David Martinez (Theatre of the Oppressed), Anton Valen (The Way of the Clown) and Allan Owens (Pretext Drama). Since 2014 he is delivering Gestalt theatre workshops with groups and individual clients.