Open Call for Training Course for educators “To the Roots”

Erasmus+ Training Course
16-23 June 2021 I Murzasichle, Poland
The Aim
The main aim of this TC is to train youth workers on how to use outdoor education for addressing current challenges of nowadays and building so called soft competences and skills, such as respect, efficient communication, tolerance and understanding, non-judgment approach, ability to work in teams and critical thinking. All those competences will lead to active citizenship, developed culture of peace in the societies and better chances for young people in labor market
- Discover outdoor and experiential learning, their historical perspective, principles and models
- Give the participants an opportunity to directly experience various outdoor methods and techniques and reflect on ways of incorporating these methods and techniques into their daily youth work with young people including young people with fewer opportunities, young people from marginalized background, radicalized youth or with refugees
- Raise understanding of the participants on outdoor methods and techniques in relation with active youth participation and encourage the participants to apply outdoor based learning in their practices
- Support exchanging and sharing practices, experiences, methods and techniques of outdoor education across and increasing the quality of youth work in participants’
countries - Develop participants’ reflexive skills and critical, innovative, creative thinking and challenging outdoor learning contexts and their application
- Develop participants’ competences in designing, planning, implementing and evaluating outdoor and experiential learning activities
- Understand and handle risk and safety in outdoor settings
- Increase knowledge of the participants on Erasmus +, support creating new project ideas
Participant’s profile
- Countries: Poland, Macedonia, Lithuania, Romania, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Slovenia
- Age: 18+
- Youth leaders, youth workers dealing with young people, staff from NGOs and trainers
- Sincere interest and motivation to explore topic of experiential learning and outdoor education
- Motivation to participate in 100% of the length of the project
- Direct or indirect work with young people with fewer opportunities
- Motivation to create and test educational activities based on outdoor education
- Openness for and appreciation of non-formal learning process in highly divers context
- Commitment to disseminate the project results and commitment to follow up activities
During the meeting You will be accommodated in the guest house “uTośki”
in Murzasichle/ Poland The venue was chosen in order to have a suitable environment for outdoor activities so it’s possible to test outdoor tools and share good practices in outdoor education. The Venue is located at the mountaneous village of Murzachihle, which is a perfect location for participants to reach the destination from their home countries, as well as perfect for outdoor activities.It is called u Toski and it has all the necessary facilities for organizing a project, as well as a pictureswue environment with possibility of hiking, organizing rope courses etc.
Registration Form
Be sure to fill out the form, this will help greatly to facilitate the preparatory work of the organizers.
Financial Conditions
Reimbursement process will be done directly during the Mobility (in cash for all groups), therefore participants are required to provide the hosting organization all travel documents maximum until the second day of the main activities (until 18th June). Buying all tickets is an obligation of participants (with partners’ organizations support). All costs related to accommodation, and food (3 meals per day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 coffee breaks) will be covered by project’s budget.